Faculty Sponsor/Contact: Greer Lones
Membership Requirements: Perform a choreographed routine before a panel of judges and achieve a minimum score determined by the coach.
Financial Obligations/Dues: TBA
Mission/Purpose: The purpose of the dance team is to represent the school at school-wide and community functions by dancing choreographed routines in a variety of styles and to compete in dance team competitions.
Activities: Performances may be added based on scheduling and availability of the team: HCHS pep rallies, basketball home games, December holiday functions, dance clinics, an end of year showcase, Mr. HOCO, and three dance competitions.
The purpose of the Dance Team is to represent the school at school-wide and community functions dancing choreographed routines in a variety of styles and to compete in dance competitions. The 2021-2022 dance season will be the second year for the team to be classified as a Winter Sport under Georgia High School Sports Association (GHSA).
The team is coached by team alum, Greer Lones and team founder, Kathleen Wright.
2021- 2022 Dance Team Information
Tryout & Parent Information
Important Dates
**All dates are subject to change
- May 22nd @8:00 a.m. ***Must be 100% complete on DragonFly to tryout!***
- Click here to access the Google Form for the Interest Form
- Parent Interest Meeting May 6th